Aims of a stay abroad | Reasons for a stay abroad
What are the aims of a stay abroad?

Development of language competency
The process of developing and mastering the capability to express yourself in English is of high importance. The stay abroad ensures a more effective study of the English language compared to what could be achieved in a German school over the same period of time.
Continuation of educational career
After the assessment of current school performance and a subsequent intensive investigation of educational goals, we advise you how your existing educational obligations won't be jeopardised during the stay abroad. The continuation of the educational career is ensured after termination of the stay abroad. There are also interesting alternatives which we are happy to outline in a personal meeting.
Personal development
The time abroad strengthens self-confidence. One's own feelings are more easily recognisable. Openness and spiritual curiosity are encouraged. Getting to know other cultures and ways of life strengthens self-control through learning to be tolerant and to control one's feelings. Through interaction with others and communication in teams, social competence is supported. These social skills are fostered and open up not only new personal but also professional opportunities.
Inter-cultural sensitisation
To be able to orientate oneself in diverse communities, the understanding of cultural influence on patterns of behaviour and morals is needed. The students acquire this skill during their stay and it brings with it a more flexible attitude and fosters openness towards foreigners. Therefore, a stay abroad can be valued as an active contribution to the understanding between nations.