Welcome to INTEDU
INTEDU - International Education

A service offered by http://www.intedu.com

The FindYourSchool search engine for your homepage!

Offer the visitors of your homepage a special service:

You can integrate the small version of our search engine for private schools "FindYourSchool" easily in your website with only one line of code. Your visitors will profit from a daily increasing number of our registered international private schools and the continual news of our database.

Please fill in the following form to have your personal code automatically generated for the integration of our search engine in your website.

Step 1: JavaScript or PHP?

If PHP is already used in your online presentation, we suggest to use the PHP-version. If PHP is not used or if you are not sure, please choose the JavaScript-version.


Step 2: Language

In which language would you like the search form and results to be displayed?


Step 3: Design

You can individually fit the search form to your current websites or solve possible problems of your presentation with CSS-Stylesheets. If you choose "Individual Design", the following step will give you detailed information how to integrate your own stylesheet. If you choose the "Standard Design", the search form will be shown in the orange standard colour (see above).


This search engine on your website? Click here!